Janger 1897 Saka – Addressing Overtourism and Overdevelopment in Bali in 1977
Dulu memahat buat menghias pura-puri (carvings were done to decorate temples and palaces)
Dulu menari dengan sepenuh hati (we once danced with soul)
Sekarang memahat untuk pelancong mancanegari (now we are carving for travellers)
Sekarang menari turut cita turis luar negeri (now we are dancing to follow foreign tourists’ appetite)
Tari Legong jaman masyhurnya di Saba-Kedaton (Legong Dance in its glory days in Saba-Kedaton)
Dipersingkat demi selera penonton (now is shortened for spectators)
Wingit Barong dan Tari Keris sering sekedar tontonan turis (Barong and Keris Dances become tourist spectacle)
Kekhusukan upacara Melis sering terganggu jepret lampu blitz (sacredness of Melis Ceremony is disturbed by camera flash)
Art shop megah berleret memagar sawah (art shops fencing rice fields)
Cottage mewah berjajar dipantai indah (luxury cottages occupy beautiful coastline)
Karya cipta nan elok indah ditantang alam modernisasi (beautiful crafts and culture are challenged by modernity)
Permai alam mulai punah karena gersang rasa mandiri (nature is destroyed because of ignorance)
Boleh saja bersikap selalu ramah-tamah (it is good to be hospitable)
Bukanlah berarti bangsa kita murah (but doesn’t mean we are cheap)
Kalau kawan tak berhati-hati bisa punah budaya asli (if we are not cautious, our indigenous culture will extinct)
Kalau punah budaya asli harga diri tak ada lagi (if it extinct, our dignity will be gone too)
Song and lyrics written by Guruh Sukarno Putra
Performed by Guruh Gipsy